CFA Level Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ級教材科目
從2014年起CFA協(xié)會將其官方教材電子版綁定在CFA報名費用之中,因此每一位CFA考生都會獲得一份當期的電子版官方教材curriculum,由于許多考生習慣使用Study Notes進行備考復習,因此對于CFA協(xié)會的官方教材了解不多,CFA協(xié)會教材curriculum各級別書名列出,以便考生備考使用。
CFA Level I 教材名稱:
Volume 1: Ethical and professional Standards, Quantitative Method
Volume 2: Economics
Volume 3: Financial Statement
Volume 4: Corporate Finance and Portfolio Management
Volume 5: Equity and Fixed Income
Volume 6: Derivatives and Alternative Investment
CFA Level II 教材名稱:
Volume 1: Ethical and professional Standards, Quantitative Methods, and Economics
Volume 2: Financial Statement Analysis
Volume 3: Corporate Finance
Volume 4: Asset Valuation and Equity
Volume 5: Fixed lncome
Volume 6: Derivatives and portfolio Management》》CFA網課試聽領取
CFA Level III 教材名稱:
Volume 1: Ethical and professional Standards
Volume 2: Behavioral Finance, individual investors, and institutional investors
Volume 3: Capital Market expectations, market valuation, and asset allocation
Volume 4: Fixed income and equity portfolio management
Volume 5: Alternative investments, risk management, and the application of derivatives
Volume 6: Portfolio: Execution, evaluation and attribultion, and global investment performance standards
CFA Level Ⅰ 職業(yè)定位:咨詢顧問、基金客戶經理,著重于投資評估和管理的工具和因素,包括資產評估和投資組合管理技巧的入門介紹。
CFA Level Ⅱ 職業(yè)定位:證券分析師、行業(yè)研究員,著重于資產評估及其工具和因素的應用(包括經濟、財務報表分析和定量分析方法)
CFA Level Ⅲ 職業(yè)定位:投行項目經理、基金經理,投資組合管理,包括應用因素和工具的戰(zhàn)略,以及個人或機構管理股票證券、固定收益證券、衍生工具和另類投資的資產評估模式。